Friday, December 30, 2011
Satan and his lies
Sometimes I think about the place that God has us right now and I have all the wrong emotions. I will stir up jealousy, envy, doubt and so on. I have to remember that those things are lies from Satan. He tricks us oh so well. The truth is God brought us here for a reason and a purpose. Although I may feel like friendships were taken from us, that's not the case. He is only bringing us those true friendships that He has formed. I find myself very thankful for God's omnipotence. I am glad He has the answers that I don't. Most of all, I'm glad I have the faith to trust Him in all of this. I am thankful for friends near and far but I am abundantly grateful for a new found friend that God designed! And, Satan, your lies are not welcome here. I will rejoice in what I have not what I thought I had.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
How Much Hope Does One Girl Need
My church had a women's event tonight. I love this time with my girls. I will admit it has been a challenge to change churches and find our place. But I have formed some friendships that I can already tell are lifelong. So, to get to spend time with some of them bonding, crying and laughing only strengthens that relationship.
Tonight our pastor's wife spoke on HOPE. I think in general people hear this word and don't put much thought into it. You hear things like, "I hope you have a good day", "I hope my daughter sleeps in tomorrow", "I hope the Vols don't suck so bad next year", etc. How often do we say it in passing everyday?
After the week I had last week hope is something I was lacking to say the least. My husband is in full force school and work mode. We are in holiday hectic-ness and things could not have gotten any more crazy...or so I thought. Monday was calm. Tuesday started the madness. My husband called me about 2 minutes after I got to work. His tire had busted on the interstate on his way to school. He went to put the spare on and there was no jack. I left work and took him a jack but the lug nut wrench would not fit his wheel. So, we left the car and he took me back to work. Then he went on trying to get the tire changed. While doing so he re-injured his back. He does this about once a year and it means several days of him being flat on his back. He could not work for three days. The worst part of that is we are so tight on money that we did not have any for him to see a doctor just for them to say wait it out and here is some pain medicine. So, when Daniel went back to work on Friday without a doctor's excuse he could not work. This only means one less day's pay for the next paycheck. Things just kept creeping up on us making the week more and more stressful!
So, tonight while listening to the message she said something that had literally crossed my lips just two days ago. She said something like, I hate to hear people say I have no hope left and I should just be used to this by now. I promise you I said that to a co worker just Friday afternoon.
I feel like this is the life I have lived since Presley was born. It has been one unexpected trial after another. A longer maternity leave due to illness, a major surgery, two job losses, a miscarriage and now school and part-time work/pay. And hope has been scarce.
How shameful of me to have no hope in circumstances as these. How terribly sad that I have experienced some trials and travelled some bumpy roads and abandoned the one thing God gives me to hold on to. To sit and listen to her say that the very words I said were so hard for her to hear was life changing.
For me to think that the things I am living each day are exclusive to me and my family is so far from the truth. And for me to think that God will leave me with no hope is a lie from Satan. God spoke truth in me tonight. He has hope for me. He has hope for my situation and I will never let go of that.
Tonight our pastor's wife spoke on HOPE. I think in general people hear this word and don't put much thought into it. You hear things like, "I hope you have a good day", "I hope my daughter sleeps in tomorrow", "I hope the Vols don't suck so bad next year", etc. How often do we say it in passing everyday?
After the week I had last week hope is something I was lacking to say the least. My husband is in full force school and work mode. We are in holiday hectic-ness and things could not have gotten any more crazy...or so I thought. Monday was calm. Tuesday started the madness. My husband called me about 2 minutes after I got to work. His tire had busted on the interstate on his way to school. He went to put the spare on and there was no jack. I left work and took him a jack but the lug nut wrench would not fit his wheel. So, we left the car and he took me back to work. Then he went on trying to get the tire changed. While doing so he re-injured his back. He does this about once a year and it means several days of him being flat on his back. He could not work for three days. The worst part of that is we are so tight on money that we did not have any for him to see a doctor just for them to say wait it out and here is some pain medicine. So, when Daniel went back to work on Friday without a doctor's excuse he could not work. This only means one less day's pay for the next paycheck. Things just kept creeping up on us making the week more and more stressful!
So, tonight while listening to the message she said something that had literally crossed my lips just two days ago. She said something like, I hate to hear people say I have no hope left and I should just be used to this by now. I promise you I said that to a co worker just Friday afternoon.
I feel like this is the life I have lived since Presley was born. It has been one unexpected trial after another. A longer maternity leave due to illness, a major surgery, two job losses, a miscarriage and now school and part-time work/pay. And hope has been scarce.
How shameful of me to have no hope in circumstances as these. How terribly sad that I have experienced some trials and travelled some bumpy roads and abandoned the one thing God gives me to hold on to. To sit and listen to her say that the very words I said were so hard for her to hear was life changing.
For me to think that the things I am living each day are exclusive to me and my family is so far from the truth. And for me to think that God will leave me with no hope is a lie from Satan. God spoke truth in me tonight. He has hope for me. He has hope for my situation and I will never let go of that.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. Hebrews 10:24
My pastor is doing a series about relationships. He is going through characters in the Bible and explaining their role in some of the relationships they had. I am loving it!
The first one he did was Jonathan. He was a true friend. He saved a friend's life from his own father. We all have a true friend, I know I do. And after hearing that sermon I told her that I loved her for being my Jonathan.
The next one he did was Jethro. I am a Jethro to my husband that much I knew while listening to the sermon. I kick my husband's butt into gear (most of the time)!! I don't take credit for anything but being his Jethro.
However, I have had this on my mind ever since. Who is my Jethro? I can think of a lot of people that help keep me in line but one stands bolder than the others.
I can blame my dad for a lot in my life. My running insecurities, my boldness, etc. But the main thing he is to me is my Jethro. I remember after I had Presley and was adamant that I was staying home with her. Someone had to set me straight and get me on the right track. That person was my dad. I guess I know where I got my Jethro-ness!!
Jethro knew what had to be done not what he wanted done. Jethro kept all his daughters in line. He was not flattering but he blessed so many. He saw potential in Moses. I am happy that I can be a Jethro to someone but I am very appreciative to my own Jethro!
My pastor is doing a series about relationships. He is going through characters in the Bible and explaining their role in some of the relationships they had. I am loving it!
The first one he did was Jonathan. He was a true friend. He saved a friend's life from his own father. We all have a true friend, I know I do. And after hearing that sermon I told her that I loved her for being my Jonathan.
The next one he did was Jethro. I am a Jethro to my husband that much I knew while listening to the sermon. I kick my husband's butt into gear (most of the time)!! I don't take credit for anything but being his Jethro.
However, I have had this on my mind ever since. Who is my Jethro? I can think of a lot of people that help keep me in line but one stands bolder than the others.
I can blame my dad for a lot in my life. My running insecurities, my boldness, etc. But the main thing he is to me is my Jethro. I remember after I had Presley and was adamant that I was staying home with her. Someone had to set me straight and get me on the right track. That person was my dad. I guess I know where I got my Jethro-ness!!
Jethro knew what had to be done not what he wanted done. Jethro kept all his daughters in line. He was not flattering but he blessed so many. He saw potential in Moses. I am happy that I can be a Jethro to someone but I am very appreciative to my own Jethro!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Consuming Fire
The Lord will consume Assyria's glory like a fire consumes a forest in a fruitful land; it will waste away like sick people in a plague. Isaiah 10:18
I remember a few years ago when we caught our back yard on fire. I drove past a small brush fire on my way home from work today and thought back to that day. We were burning a pile of brush too and it started small. We kept it contained where we were comfortable with it. Anytime it would get going too much we would manage it back down.
At one point we took our eyes off it for too long. Before we knew it smoke filled down our street. We looked to find it had spread immensely. The fire ran between trees and brush and filled our back woods. It got out of our control. We tried effortlessly to maintain it to no avail.
Do you ever feel that way in life? Do you feel consumed by something that you try to keep together and fail. Does something consume you that you know shouldn't? What should consume us anyway?
As I watch my husband live out this God given opportunity I see him become more and more consumed with God. The Word and prayer are spreading rapidly in his life like a wildfire. And seeing this happen in a man that was once taken over by things of this world is so absolutely amazing.
And do you know what it does for me? It excites me for our future and the plan that God is laying. But it creates a desire in me for that same fire. I wonder how many people can see that fire in him, in me. I wonder how many more people we can spread that same fire to. That is our ultimate purpose, isn't it?
I remember a few years ago when we caught our back yard on fire. I drove past a small brush fire on my way home from work today and thought back to that day. We were burning a pile of brush too and it started small. We kept it contained where we were comfortable with it. Anytime it would get going too much we would manage it back down.
At one point we took our eyes off it for too long. Before we knew it smoke filled down our street. We looked to find it had spread immensely. The fire ran between trees and brush and filled our back woods. It got out of our control. We tried effortlessly to maintain it to no avail.
Do you ever feel that way in life? Do you feel consumed by something that you try to keep together and fail. Does something consume you that you know shouldn't? What should consume us anyway?
As I watch my husband live out this God given opportunity I see him become more and more consumed with God. The Word and prayer are spreading rapidly in his life like a wildfire. And seeing this happen in a man that was once taken over by things of this world is so absolutely amazing.
And do you know what it does for me? It excites me for our future and the plan that God is laying. But it creates a desire in me for that same fire. I wonder how many people can see that fire in him, in me. I wonder how many more people we can spread that same fire to. That is our ultimate purpose, isn't it?
Monday, November 7, 2011
Under Pressure
It is nice to be wanted and all but all this pressure to write a new blog post has got me under writer's block! I have plenty of things to write about with the busyness of my life but none of it seems blog worthy. I guess it will have to do since my dad won't leave me alone about it!!! Did any of you see him call me out on Facebook about it?! I will get him back for that!!
The premium holiday warmer...

And, my favorite, the Scentsy buddy (you pick a scent and it goes inside the stuffed animal and makes it smell yummy)...

So, what is new around is, well, everything. As you know the hubs started school and we are currently living the adjustment period. I wonder if we will ever get adjusted. We are the couple that does most everything together. We are used to being on the same schedules and spending all of our time with each other. That isn't happening so much now. He goes to school each day and works afterwards, either in the evening or in the middle of the night. That was his choice so that he could get some quality time with the kids and I. Those nights aren't so bad except for the sleep part. He works until 1:30 a.m. then still has to get up for school the next day. The adjustment in that area has been quite difficult.
Otherwise, we tricked and treated on Halloween, my little Dorothy and my too-cool-to-dress-up-ten-year-old-who-only-wore-a-mask! Presley sang, "I got candy" up and down the street!! She was much more into it this year than she was last year. That made it more fun!!
Triston started basketball practice two weeks ago and that has taken up our Saturdays. I like basketball as a sport for him. It is high energy and constant pace which works well for him. The only negative is that it is very up close and personal. If he were to have one of his moments of rage the closest person to him is in for it! Not a good recipe!!
As for me, I am trying to jump start my Scentsy business and each opportunity I find seems to fail soon thereafter. I am not discourage (to the point of giving up anyway) about it. I am just going to keep it up and hope for the best. God brought us to this and He will lead us through it. But here are some really cool products from Scentsy that I have come to love!!
The plug-in warmer...

And, my favorite, the Scentsy buddy (you pick a scent and it goes inside the stuffed animal and makes it smell yummy)...

Sunday, October 23, 2011
I'd Pick You
Dear precious chosen child,
When we become parents we dream of what our child will be like. We think about the color their eyes might be or the shape of their nose. We talk about our goals for that child and give our all for everything they want.
Most parents don't get to hand pick what their child will be like though. Sure, we can dream. But it isn't really up to us! Not for me, my dear.
I have this child and I picked him! I would pick him again ten times over!!
That child is you.
There is an unconditional love that parents have for their children. I love you like that. There is a joy and pride that comes with parenting a child. I have that joy for you. I overflow with pride for you, my son.
You aren't just my son. You are more special than that even. I pray you know that every day!
You have no idea the amount of prayer that has gone up for you. God created you very special and I get to watch Him work through you!
I could not be more thankful that God placed you in my life and me in yours. He sure knew what He was doing. Because if I had the chance to hand pick a son, I'd pick you!!
I love you and am so very proud of the decision you made today.
Beth (the second mom God gave you!)
Sunday October 23, 2011 Triston accepted Christ at Northridge Church/The Backyard Kids with Pastor Gary Smith!!
When we become parents we dream of what our child will be like. We think about the color their eyes might be or the shape of their nose. We talk about our goals for that child and give our all for everything they want.
Most parents don't get to hand pick what their child will be like though. Sure, we can dream. But it isn't really up to us! Not for me, my dear.
I have this child and I picked him! I would pick him again ten times over!!
That child is you.
There is an unconditional love that parents have for their children. I love you like that. There is a joy and pride that comes with parenting a child. I have that joy for you. I overflow with pride for you, my son.
You aren't just my son. You are more special than that even. I pray you know that every day!
You have no idea the amount of prayer that has gone up for you. God created you very special and I get to watch Him work through you!
I could not be more thankful that God placed you in my life and me in yours. He sure knew what He was doing. Because if I had the chance to hand pick a son, I'd pick you!!
I love you and am so very proud of the decision you made today.
Beth (the second mom God gave you!)
Sunday October 23, 2011 Triston accepted Christ at Northridge Church/The Backyard Kids with Pastor Gary Smith!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Thursday Funk
I am struggling tonight. I have a heavy-burdened heart and I don't know how to change that. Some things on my mind:
I have lots of friends hurting. Lots of unknowns in many people's lives. Broken hearts after years of happiness. Broken feelings after months of joy. Just plain ole' brokenness. I pray for each of these situations and I am thankful that my God is big enough to handle them all.
I got some bad news this week that will effect my income in the coming months. It's not a big deal but the little things matter too.
I am very short on patience what with it being the first week of Daniel's school and our new schedule. He is gone, a lot. I am here alone, a lot. I am so proud of him for doing this and he is my hero. But I feel outnumbered and overwhelmed at home.
Every time I say that I a in a funk (kind of like I want to say right now) I have/had? a friend who would say, "well, I am funky!!" That always made me feel better to hear her say that. What I would give right now...
Well, anyway, I just wanted to get my feelings out there. However, I have dirty kiddos and dishes to deal with right now.
I have lots of friends hurting. Lots of unknowns in many people's lives. Broken hearts after years of happiness. Broken feelings after months of joy. Just plain ole' brokenness. I pray for each of these situations and I am thankful that my God is big enough to handle them all.
I got some bad news this week that will effect my income in the coming months. It's not a big deal but the little things matter too.
I am very short on patience what with it being the first week of Daniel's school and our new schedule. He is gone, a lot. I am here alone, a lot. I am so proud of him for doing this and he is my hero. But I feel outnumbered and overwhelmed at home.
Every time I say that I a in a funk (kind of like I want to say right now) I have/had? a friend who would say, "well, I am funky!!" That always made me feel better to hear her say that. What I would give right now...
Well, anyway, I just wanted to get my feelings out there. However, I have dirty kiddos and dishes to deal with right now.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
The Mountain Moved
I had a rare occurrence today. I sat in church service by myself. That doesn't happen much but it is amazing where you mind goes when you have no one to talk to or distract you or entertain you. So, during praise and worship I began praying for God to just pour His love into me and speak His words on my heart. Well, wouldn't you know, He did! Our praise team sang the song Might to Save by Laura Story. It is a very powerful song. But the part that got me was when it says, "He can move the mountains". And in that one phrase God told me He moved mountains in my life. I have no doubt in my mind that He will continue to do so.
I met my husband nine years ago. I had just graduated high school and was starting my first semester at college. My parents were, quite honestly, less than thrilled about my courtship with Daniel. He had a history. He had a troubled past and it was not over when we met. He was living it. Therefore I was living it. I knew in my heart of hearts that the man I met had changes coming and the life he led was not the life he was destined for. We made it through, literally, hell in the first few years. And sure enough I started seeing changes in him that I had prayed about for a very long time.
One thing has always bothered my husband even through all the growth God has brought to him. See, he never graduated high school and never attended college. He did receive his GED in 2005 but has done nothing further. God has always blessed us with jobs and provision for our family. But Daniel's heart was never settled in those jobs. They were clearly "just jobs". Recently we felt a stirring that we couldn't deny. God was at work. Daniel and I started discussing options for his future. School came up but was dismissed due to lack of funds and time. But during a simple haircut at our local barber shop Daniel got the word!
A friend that is his barber planted the seed and it blossomed. We began to research local barber schools and felt as if we were striking out. One day I was at a store that I don't normally shop and heard a rare commercial for a barber shop in the area. It was as if God was doing the commercial, loud and very clear. I told Daniel about it and we both sort of wrote it off. As we continued to talk about this the question of work came up. What would he do part time to supplement the income? I mentioned a friend that has some connections with a shop that he might could do part time work at. That very night I mentioned that friend he called Daniel. Hello! Does God need to smack us again? However that particular lead did not pan out. But what God had in store was even better...isn't it always!! So, we continued going through the doors that were opened. We toured a school, applied for funding, and we said, "if God funds us then it's for real". Well, He funded us...and then some!!!!
I think it is for real, ya'll. Come this Tuesday my husband will be attending school to receive his master barber certificate. Girls, that means he can wax my eyebrows and give me a mani and pedi!! He will be able to do it all! I will be spoiled, that's for sure!
So, did God move mountains or what? I am so excited for this venture. It will be an adjustment with different work times and all but God is giving Daniel something he has never had, a purpose in his work life.
I met my husband nine years ago. I had just graduated high school and was starting my first semester at college. My parents were, quite honestly, less than thrilled about my courtship with Daniel. He had a history. He had a troubled past and it was not over when we met. He was living it. Therefore I was living it. I knew in my heart of hearts that the man I met had changes coming and the life he led was not the life he was destined for. We made it through, literally, hell in the first few years. And sure enough I started seeing changes in him that I had prayed about for a very long time.
One thing has always bothered my husband even through all the growth God has brought to him. See, he never graduated high school and never attended college. He did receive his GED in 2005 but has done nothing further. God has always blessed us with jobs and provision for our family. But Daniel's heart was never settled in those jobs. They were clearly "just jobs". Recently we felt a stirring that we couldn't deny. God was at work. Daniel and I started discussing options for his future. School came up but was dismissed due to lack of funds and time. But during a simple haircut at our local barber shop Daniel got the word!
A friend that is his barber planted the seed and it blossomed. We began to research local barber schools and felt as if we were striking out. One day I was at a store that I don't normally shop and heard a rare commercial for a barber shop in the area. It was as if God was doing the commercial, loud and very clear. I told Daniel about it and we both sort of wrote it off. As we continued to talk about this the question of work came up. What would he do part time to supplement the income? I mentioned a friend that has some connections with a shop that he might could do part time work at. That very night I mentioned that friend he called Daniel. Hello! Does God need to smack us again? However that particular lead did not pan out. But what God had in store was even better...isn't it always!! So, we continued going through the doors that were opened. We toured a school, applied for funding, and we said, "if God funds us then it's for real". Well, He funded us...and then some!!!!
I think it is for real, ya'll. Come this Tuesday my husband will be attending school to receive his master barber certificate. Girls, that means he can wax my eyebrows and give me a mani and pedi!! He will be able to do it all! I will be spoiled, that's for sure!
So, did God move mountains or what? I am so excited for this venture. It will be an adjustment with different work times and all but God is giving Daniel something he has never had, a purpose in his work life.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Have You Tried It?
When my family was in town for my uncle's funeral my cousin worked her magic on me! Her family lives in Texas and I do not get to see them enough. We try to make up for lost time but it is nearly impossible. While she was here in July she sold me on one of the items she sells, Scentsy.
OMG! Have you tried these yet? I am in love! I am a smell good kind of girl anyway. I love to walk into a house and it smell good. Most of the time I don't get that feeling in my own house. Well, she sent me a Scentsy warmer and some scents and I have not turned this thing off for longer than one night. I am tellin' ya I just love it!
The way it works is a bulb warms the scented wax so, it is safe to leave on all day long. The warmer I have is a rust color with a flower on it. It fits in with my living room decor so well! The scents I got are amazing. One is called camu, camu and even my 10-year-old son compliments it!! Another one I have is called sugar and it just makes me want to bake!! Not a good thing for my diet but it is what it is! I did get another scent and I will say I don't love it as much but that is to be expected I suppose. It is cranberry mango and to me it leaves a peculiar after-scent that I just don't like. But I am sure some love it!
Well, needless to say, I have been swayed and I am now selling Scentsy. I don't think I have time for this but I love this product so much that I can't not do it!! I just want to share the good smells with everyone!!!
OMG! Have you tried these yet? I am in love! I am a smell good kind of girl anyway. I love to walk into a house and it smell good. Most of the time I don't get that feeling in my own house. Well, she sent me a Scentsy warmer and some scents and I have not turned this thing off for longer than one night. I am tellin' ya I just love it!
The way it works is a bulb warms the scented wax so, it is safe to leave on all day long. The warmer I have is a rust color with a flower on it. It fits in with my living room decor so well! The scents I got are amazing. One is called camu, camu and even my 10-year-old son compliments it!! Another one I have is called sugar and it just makes me want to bake!! Not a good thing for my diet but it is what it is! I did get another scent and I will say I don't love it as much but that is to be expected I suppose. It is cranberry mango and to me it leaves a peculiar after-scent that I just don't like. But I am sure some love it!
Well, needless to say, I have been swayed and I am now selling Scentsy. I don't think I have time for this but I love this product so much that I can't not do it!! I just want to share the good smells with everyone!!!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Cake, Ice Cream, and a Fat Belly
A few thoughts on being an adult and having a birthday:
*It does not mean you get the day off!
*You cannot eat all the junk you used to and not see the effects of it.
*You get necessaties as gifts, like underwear!
*If you want a cake, you will likely have to bake it yourself.
*Adult birthdays are more about food and less about presents.
*No gift is better than your kids "happy birgday" wishes!
*People still care that you were born!
*Your Facebook wall will blow up for 24 hours.
*When it's over you crash in bed before 9:00 only to wake up another year older, and feel it too!
*It does not mean you get the day off!
*You cannot eat all the junk you used to and not see the effects of it.
*You get necessaties as gifts, like underwear!
*If you want a cake, you will likely have to bake it yourself.
*Adult birthdays are more about food and less about presents.
*No gift is better than your kids "happy birgday" wishes!
*People still care that you were born!
*Your Facebook wall will blow up for 24 hours.
*When it's over you crash in bed before 9:00 only to wake up another year older, and feel it too!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Be Warned!
I am going to be honest before reading this post you should be warned! It will be negative, uncalled for, disgraceful, and lacking compassion. If you don't mind that, read on. If you think you might not like it or you might be offended, you know where the door is!
It is Wednesday and for me that means stress and chaos for several reasons. The first of which being that it is the third day of the work week. That would be the third day that I have had to snooze the alarm three too many times only to eventually force myself awake at least two hours prior to when I really want to be. It is the third day that I have had to get three people other than myself to different places all by 8:00. Three days of work until 5:00. Then scooping up two kids from different places. Now, on Wednesdays it means running home, possibly changing clothes, and possibly eating dinner, running out the door within 30 minutes of being home to get to church. Once we are at church I drop one child off downstairs (most of the time she is screaming my name) and I go try to restrain and wrangle 50 "big" kids for an hour and a half of worship and Bible study. Yes, I am a crazy person. Then at 8:00 I beg for parents to take their rambunctious kids only so I can go home with mine. I put all my effort into getting Presley in bed ASAP and Triston bathed and fed (again) so I can C.R.A.S.H!!!
FYI: Here comes the offensive part. Tonight, I did all of this while my darling husband A). laid on the bed looking at the laptop, no doubt something to do with fantasy football and B). moving then to the couch to play some stupid game on his *insert bad word of choice* Ipod!!! My feet are throbbing, my nerves are beyond shot and he is doing what???? Nothing!!!!
Now, I know none of your husbands (or any of you that are husbands) do that, ever. I know I am the only lucky one that gets to live with this!
Those that know me personally know that I am headstrong and feisty in most situations. But this one is one that I tiptoe around. I say nothing, I bite my tongue and I blog!? Call it therapy but I would rather sit here and take all of my frustrations out on this keyboard than to even think about mentioning this problem to him. Pick my battles? I guess. I try to be level-headed and think he is tired from work and needs to relax. But, so do I! Wait, did I mention there are clothes to be folded, put away, and more to go into the washer and dryer? And more than likely, that husband that is in there on the couch playing said Ipod and watching junk TV will be looking for some of those clothes tomorrow morning.
Did I tell you tomorrow is my anniversary??? What are we *read, I* doing, you ask? Laundry! Dishes! Cooking! Cleaning! Chasing a two-year-old and helping a ten-year-old with homework! And that is that. Good night!!!
It is Wednesday and for me that means stress and chaos for several reasons. The first of which being that it is the third day of the work week. That would be the third day that I have had to snooze the alarm three too many times only to eventually force myself awake at least two hours prior to when I really want to be. It is the third day that I have had to get three people other than myself to different places all by 8:00. Three days of work until 5:00. Then scooping up two kids from different places. Now, on Wednesdays it means running home, possibly changing clothes, and possibly eating dinner, running out the door within 30 minutes of being home to get to church. Once we are at church I drop one child off downstairs (most of the time she is screaming my name) and I go try to restrain and wrangle 50 "big" kids for an hour and a half of worship and Bible study. Yes, I am a crazy person. Then at 8:00 I beg for parents to take their rambunctious kids only so I can go home with mine. I put all my effort into getting Presley in bed ASAP and Triston bathed and fed (again) so I can C.R.A.S.H!!!
FYI: Here comes the offensive part. Tonight, I did all of this while my darling husband A). laid on the bed looking at the laptop, no doubt something to do with fantasy football and B). moving then to the couch to play some stupid game on his *insert bad word of choice* Ipod!!! My feet are throbbing, my nerves are beyond shot and he is doing what???? Nothing!!!!
Now, I know none of your husbands (or any of you that are husbands) do that, ever. I know I am the only lucky one that gets to live with this!
Those that know me personally know that I am headstrong and feisty in most situations. But this one is one that I tiptoe around. I say nothing, I bite my tongue and I blog!? Call it therapy but I would rather sit here and take all of my frustrations out on this keyboard than to even think about mentioning this problem to him. Pick my battles? I guess. I try to be level-headed and think he is tired from work and needs to relax. But, so do I! Wait, did I mention there are clothes to be folded, put away, and more to go into the washer and dryer? And more than likely, that husband that is in there on the couch playing said Ipod and watching junk TV will be looking for some of those clothes tomorrow morning.
Did I tell you tomorrow is my anniversary??? What are we *read, I* doing, you ask? Laundry! Dishes! Cooking! Cleaning! Chasing a two-year-old and helping a ten-year-old with homework! And that is that. Good night!!!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
It's Easy
You have heard these sayings:
As easy as pie.
Easy like Sunday morning.
As easy as taking candy from a baby.
It's a piece of cake.
My favorite...So easy a caveman can do it.
That last one is from the clever Geico commercials. I was thinking about that saying on the way home from work today. I remember when my nephew accepted Christ and was saved. My sister-in-law told me she wished we all had the simplistic outlook of Christianity that children do. It's just easy. You believe, you accept, you confess and it's done.
I agree with her to a degree. I agree that as adults we make too much fuss about it. We are to judgemental of ourselves. We try to fix our problems before accepting His love. This could not be more skewed. God doesn't expect us to fix anything on our own. He doesn't even want us to try. No, He wants us to lean on Him for change.
We are in the process (and have been for several years) of explaining the plan of salvation to our son. You have to know that my ten year old is very literal. So, when we tell him all he has to do is believe it is hard for him to wrap his thoughts around. When we tell him all he has to do is pray and ask Jesus to live in his heart he really gets bent out of shape. "Jesus can't live in your heart."
You see, he makes it too difficult. It's easy...so easy a caveman can do it! All we have to do is believe. Believe that He sent His son to die because we are not and will not ever (on this earth) be perfect. He knew we needed saving so He provided that for us. And where would we be if He hadn't.
"so also Christ died once for all the time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him". Hebrews 9:28
As easy as pie.
Easy like Sunday morning.
As easy as taking candy from a baby.
It's a piece of cake.
My favorite...So easy a caveman can do it.
That last one is from the clever Geico commercials. I was thinking about that saying on the way home from work today. I remember when my nephew accepted Christ and was saved. My sister-in-law told me she wished we all had the simplistic outlook of Christianity that children do. It's just easy. You believe, you accept, you confess and it's done.
I agree with her to a degree. I agree that as adults we make too much fuss about it. We are to judgemental of ourselves. We try to fix our problems before accepting His love. This could not be more skewed. God doesn't expect us to fix anything on our own. He doesn't even want us to try. No, He wants us to lean on Him for change.
We are in the process (and have been for several years) of explaining the plan of salvation to our son. You have to know that my ten year old is very literal. So, when we tell him all he has to do is believe it is hard for him to wrap his thoughts around. When we tell him all he has to do is pray and ask Jesus to live in his heart he really gets bent out of shape. "Jesus can't live in your heart."
You see, he makes it too difficult. It's easy...so easy a caveman can do it! All we have to do is believe. Believe that He sent His son to die because we are not and will not ever (on this earth) be perfect. He knew we needed saving so He provided that for us. And where would we be if He hadn't.
"so also Christ died once for all the time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him". Hebrews 9:28
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Just a Smile
I am the mother of a little girl who has been through an abundance of "stuff" in her short two years. She was born with two holes in her heart. She would burn her calories from her formula faster than consuming them. In her first six months she only gained four small pounds. And it was at that time that she went under the knife for open heart surgery. My darling six month old had no idea what was going on but her momma sure did.
I remember sitting in her room in ICU watching her. She was just pitiful. She was swollen from retaining fluids. She was scratched up and bloody. She was covered in wires and cords. Her surgery was on a Wednesday. For the first few days afterwards she laid in the bed and I sat by her side. She moved very little and ate next to nothing. She was taking baby steps to recovery. As her mother, I was hurting for her. I was helpless in what I could do for her. So I just stayed with her.
It is forever imprinted in my mind the day (Saturday after surgery to be exact) that I saw her smile for the first time again. It happened to be the same day I got to hold her again too. I waited so many hours to see that smile and there it was. Bright as ever!
I wonder, does God get tired of seeing our sad face? Our hurt face? Our ungrateful and pitiful looks? I know He tells us to be joyful. I know He wants that for us. But I also know that, as I did with my daughter, He doesn't leave our sides until He sees that smile on our face again. He tells us to consider trials as joy. And we think how much worse can these trials get. But He stays with us until the joy returns. He stays with us until He sees us through it.
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. James 1:2
I remember sitting in her room in ICU watching her. She was just pitiful. She was swollen from retaining fluids. She was scratched up and bloody. She was covered in wires and cords. Her surgery was on a Wednesday. For the first few days afterwards she laid in the bed and I sat by her side. She moved very little and ate next to nothing. She was taking baby steps to recovery. As her mother, I was hurting for her. I was helpless in what I could do for her. So I just stayed with her.
It is forever imprinted in my mind the day (Saturday after surgery to be exact) that I saw her smile for the first time again. It happened to be the same day I got to hold her again too. I waited so many hours to see that smile and there it was. Bright as ever!
I wonder, does God get tired of seeing our sad face? Our hurt face? Our ungrateful and pitiful looks? I know He tells us to be joyful. I know He wants that for us. But I also know that, as I did with my daughter, He doesn't leave our sides until He sees that smile on our face again. He tells us to consider trials as joy. And we think how much worse can these trials get. But He stays with us until the joy returns. He stays with us until He sees us through it.
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. James 1:2
Sunday, September 4, 2011
God, my Father, and my Dad
The book I am reading now has a great question section at the end of each chapter. I love it! It forces me to think about the things that I am reading. One of the questions was something to the affect of: How do you relate your God-given father with the Heavenly Father? What is your first memory of your father that you tend to coincide with God the Father?
I am the worst with childhood memories. I remember very little in that aspect of my life. My brother, however, remembers every little detail of everything that has happened. Good thing he teaches history!! Anyway, this morning in church I had a rare remembrance of my childhood and it involved my dad so I was able to make a great illustration and answer one of those questions.
When I was about eight years old we moved to a new house. We built the house on five acres of land so that we could fulfill a dream of my dad's, to have horses. So, we did just that. We got the back few acres fenced in and built a barn and got two horses. One was a pony (that was mine), Blackie. The other's name was Midnight.
Every so often the horses would find a way to break out of the fence or gate and roam the street. I can only imagine they went on great adventures while out and about. However, once we realized they were out my dad would always grab the reins and go out looking for them to bring them back home. I remember him walking through the neighborhood to find them. Reins in hand and on a mission to bring them back to the place they belong. He diligently walked the roads and neighboring yards until the mission was complete. That part is vivid to me because my dad never walks very fast. He always has a slow, moderate pace. Unless he was looking for the horses. Then he walked with a purpose.
So, I started thinking...how many times do we lose our way? And what does our Father do when we get lost on the path that we create? He makes it His mission to bring us home. When we get off track He just grabs the gear He needs to bring us back so He can take care of us, until we do it again the next time. He just does this over and over again. In my mind, He is purposeful in doing this (just like my dad was). He loves us that much!
My God, just like my dad, will help us get back where He wants us. When we create messes for our lives He cleans them up and welcomes us back in His loving arms. I am so glad that God helped me answer this question. I am also very thankful that the memory I have of my dad relates to my God in a positive way.
I will search for my lost ones who strayed away, and I will bring them safely home again. Ezekiel 34:16 (NLT)
I am the worst with childhood memories. I remember very little in that aspect of my life. My brother, however, remembers every little detail of everything that has happened. Good thing he teaches history!! Anyway, this morning in church I had a rare remembrance of my childhood and it involved my dad so I was able to make a great illustration and answer one of those questions.
When I was about eight years old we moved to a new house. We built the house on five acres of land so that we could fulfill a dream of my dad's, to have horses. So, we did just that. We got the back few acres fenced in and built a barn and got two horses. One was a pony (that was mine), Blackie. The other's name was Midnight.
Every so often the horses would find a way to break out of the fence or gate and roam the street. I can only imagine they went on great adventures while out and about. However, once we realized they were out my dad would always grab the reins and go out looking for them to bring them back home. I remember him walking through the neighborhood to find them. Reins in hand and on a mission to bring them back to the place they belong. He diligently walked the roads and neighboring yards until the mission was complete. That part is vivid to me because my dad never walks very fast. He always has a slow, moderate pace. Unless he was looking for the horses. Then he walked with a purpose.
So, I started thinking...how many times do we lose our way? And what does our Father do when we get lost on the path that we create? He makes it His mission to bring us home. When we get off track He just grabs the gear He needs to bring us back so He can take care of us, until we do it again the next time. He just does this over and over again. In my mind, He is purposeful in doing this (just like my dad was). He loves us that much!
My God, just like my dad, will help us get back where He wants us. When we create messes for our lives He cleans them up and welcomes us back in His loving arms. I am so glad that God helped me answer this question. I am also very thankful that the memory I have of my dad relates to my God in a positive way.
I will search for my lost ones who strayed away, and I will bring them safely home again. Ezekiel 34:16 (NLT)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Cake Batter makes it Better
Last Spring when I had my miscarriage some very good friends brought me some very awesome treats. Since then I have searched high and low for one of these treats with no luck. Until now!!!! I had to make a rare Monday night grocery store trip and low and behold I found it!

This ice cream made my days a lot better back then and made my day today that much better!!! I looooovvveeee it, and that is all.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
It's the Litte Things
These are the things that are annoying me right now...
The overflowing dirty clothes hamper along with never ending folding and putting away of clean clothes. Not to mention the sheets and towels.
The Direct TV receiver in my bedroom blinking that stupid little blue light for the last two days. Plus the fact that it means it is not working and I can't watch my TV.
The fact that the new bike I got won't fit the seat for Presley to ride on. And the other seats cost more than this one and so, now what?!
How about the whole leaving one church and going to another therefore losing your core group of friends (or at least the closeness). On top of knowing that your husband is going on yet another four wheeling trip in two months before I could even squeeze a trip of my own in.
Possibly the most important (and the reason why these things are annoying me) is that my sleep has been interrupted, at best, every night for the last two weeks. Dog barking, husband snoring, toddler awaking (and screaming and totally flipping out), thunder, aforementioned blue, blinky light, and child with headache/eye ache. Just to name a few.
Maybe it's that in order to have a girls night out you have to first have the girls part.
I think I hear my Bible calling me name. Some encouragement from the Lord will make this go away!
The overflowing dirty clothes hamper along with never ending folding and putting away of clean clothes. Not to mention the sheets and towels.
The Direct TV receiver in my bedroom blinking that stupid little blue light for the last two days. Plus the fact that it means it is not working and I can't watch my TV.
The fact that the new bike I got won't fit the seat for Presley to ride on. And the other seats cost more than this one and so, now what?!
How about the whole leaving one church and going to another therefore losing your core group of friends (or at least the closeness). On top of knowing that your husband is going on yet another four wheeling trip in two months before I could even squeeze a trip of my own in.
Possibly the most important (and the reason why these things are annoying me) is that my sleep has been interrupted, at best, every night for the last two weeks. Dog barking, husband snoring, toddler awaking (and screaming and totally flipping out), thunder, aforementioned blue, blinky light, and child with headache/eye ache. Just to name a few.
Maybe it's that in order to have a girls night out you have to first have the girls part.
I think I hear my Bible calling me name. Some encouragement from the Lord will make this go away!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Oh! The Wisdoms I Could Share!!!
When the enemy's surrounding me
He comes to steal my joy, my peace
I let go of my reasoning and fall upon the Rock!
The Lord works in mighty, mighty ways. He is so big and so good. He has blessed my heart tremendously this weekend. He is working on this girl and in this family. And I, for one, am so excited to see the things He has for us.
He comes to steal my joy, my peace
I let go of my reasoning and fall upon the Rock!
The Lord works in mighty, mighty ways. He is so big and so good. He has blessed my heart tremendously this weekend. He is working on this girl and in this family. And I, for one, am so excited to see the things He has for us.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Hey, It Happens!
I realize that we all get annoyed from time to time. I get that we are all going to lose our patience at some point in life. So, get this people, I know that what I am feeling and going through will pass. But let me tell you all about it. Well, maybe I will spare some of the really hateful details but this is how it goes.
I cannot express to you how many times I have repeated myself in the last week, no, the last two days. I am sick of talking to some people in this house and them not listening to me. Therefore requiring me to peat and repeat!! I just told Daniel and Triston what I packed for them for their one night camping trip three times. And get this, they still asked me what I packed. R.e.a.l.l.y? Really? I got an idea if you would stop, look away from the TV, and listen to me then that would have saved me a lot of time and breath. But you wouldn't know to do that because you wouldn't listen to me tell you to do that! Ugh!
Also, why do you call into work and say you are not feeling well. Then say that you will come in at noon. Then walk in the door at 9:00?? I don't get that. Are you sick or just lazy or stupid?? Sorry, just the way I am feeling!
So, these things combined with the new condescending teacher Presley has and the employer that wants you to "give a damn" just make me ornery. Ya know? It would do that to you too, I bet!
I just figured it out...see, Daniel and Tris are going on their one night camping trip and my mom, grandmother and I are going to a women's conference. That is why I am so irritable. Because God is about to break it down for me!! He is about to put me in my place and right now He is preparing my heart for that. My human nature is to reject it and focus on anything that Satan can get me to focus on. Now it all makes sense! Well, thanks bloggy world for helping me figure that out. Maybe I should blog more often and I would have my whole life figured out!!!
I cannot express to you how many times I have repeated myself in the last week, no, the last two days. I am sick of talking to some people in this house and them not listening to me. Therefore requiring me to peat and repeat!! I just told Daniel and Triston what I packed for them for their one night camping trip three times. And get this, they still asked me what I packed. R.e.a.l.l.y? Really? I got an idea if you would stop, look away from the TV, and listen to me then that would have saved me a lot of time and breath. But you wouldn't know to do that because you wouldn't listen to me tell you to do that! Ugh!
Also, why do you call into work and say you are not feeling well. Then say that you will come in at noon. Then walk in the door at 9:00?? I don't get that. Are you sick or just lazy or stupid?? Sorry, just the way I am feeling!
So, these things combined with the new condescending teacher Presley has and the employer that wants you to "give a damn" just make me ornery. Ya know? It would do that to you too, I bet!
I just figured it out...see, Daniel and Tris are going on their one night camping trip and my mom, grandmother and I are going to a women's conference. That is why I am so irritable. Because God is about to break it down for me!! He is about to put me in my place and right now He is preparing my heart for that. My human nature is to reject it and focus on anything that Satan can get me to focus on. Now it all makes sense! Well, thanks bloggy world for helping me figure that out. Maybe I should blog more often and I would have my whole life figured out!!!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Weddings and Fireworks
Remember how my camera was missing? Well, it's back! And now I have to play catch up on my pictures. First, there was the Fourth of July celebrations (along with an 85th birthday party)! That celebration included sweet babies...like this one. Baby Avie if you ask Presley.
See this couple? They are the glue. And "he" is the 85 year old!!!
Another, sometimes sweet, baby!!
And one night we met up with some friends and watched fireworks (on the side of the road, mind you)!! Every picture that I took this night ended up with Presley's eyes closed!
You remember me talking about this pretty lady? Well, she is my bestie! My BFF! My sister from another mother!! We met in second grade and have been solid ever since. Anyway she got married in June and it was aboslutely wonderful. She looked amazing. Here are just a few snapshots of her big day!!
And one night we met up with some friends and watched fireworks (on the side of the road, mind you)!! Every picture that I took this night ended up with Presley's eyes closed!
And we danced!!!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
I feel like George without the man in the yellow hat.
I feel like a loofah with no body wash.
I feel like a bed with no sheets.
I feel, well you get the drift.
This is me without my camera.
I left it at Daniel's aunt's 4th of July party. I have been without it since then and it is driving me c.r.a.z.y!!! I have pictures on there that have not been shared with the inter web and that drives me even more crazy!! It's whatever, I guess.
I feel like a loofah with no body wash.
I feel like a bed with no sheets.
I feel, well you get the drift.
This is me without my camera.
I left it at Daniel's aunt's 4th of July party. I have been without it since then and it is driving me c.r.a.z.y!!! I have pictures on there that have not been shared with the inter web and that drives me even more crazy!! It's whatever, I guess.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Heavy Laden
Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Today, an 8-year-old buried her mother. Today, parents buried their 27-year-old daughter.
I didn't know her well. But I knew of her. And she was connected to my family. The sister of my sister-in-law.
It was not until I sat looking at pictures of her life that it hit me how hard this really is, for my brother's wife and for her family.
When I heard that little girl break down on the front row I thought of my daughter sitting in that very same seat. Hurt overwhelmed my being.
And as I watched that father nearly fall out of the pew I thought about my dad putting his daughter in the ground. Tears filled my eyes.
Life is so precious. Time slips away from us without our permission.
But today, a family must go on without their loved one. They have to wake tomorrow knowing they will never see her face or hear her laugh again.
They will hurt. They will cry. They might even get angry.
And from a distance all I can do is pray for our God's loving arms to wrap ever so tightly around them and catch their falling tears.
And what I am going to change in my life will be the amount of "squeeze" that I put into my hugs to my kids.
Today, an 8-year-old buried her mother. Today, parents buried their 27-year-old daughter.
I didn't know her well. But I knew of her. And she was connected to my family. The sister of my sister-in-law.
It was not until I sat looking at pictures of her life that it hit me how hard this really is, for my brother's wife and for her family.
When I heard that little girl break down on the front row I thought of my daughter sitting in that very same seat. Hurt overwhelmed my being.
And as I watched that father nearly fall out of the pew I thought about my dad putting his daughter in the ground. Tears filled my eyes.
Life is so precious. Time slips away from us without our permission.
But today, a family must go on without their loved one. They have to wake tomorrow knowing they will never see her face or hear her laugh again.
They will hurt. They will cry. They might even get angry.
And from a distance all I can do is pray for our God's loving arms to wrap ever so tightly around them and catch their falling tears.
And what I am going to change in my life will be the amount of "squeeze" that I put into my hugs to my kids.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
*Presley came home with this cute little craft from church this morning. Too bad I have no idea what it is and what story it was in reference to.
*Do you know what a bobber is? I do. And I own one now. Got ya thinkin' don't I?
*Why do Presley's size diapers say it goes to 28 pounds but seem too small for my 21 pounder?
*Every time I eat steak, hear Blind Melon, pass the Long Hollow pike exit on 65S, and smell lavender I think of Zach, Daniel's late younger brother who died in a car wreck in 2002 (a month after Daniel and I started dating).
*I can never have too many friends. I have a ton and I just want more! I can see God forming some relationships that are going to be great and I am so excited!!
*I am having a very minor procedure in a couple of weeks that required a consultation with a new OB. When I told her my history and my daughter's current "issues" she was quite concerned about the success and health of another child (if Daniel and I ever get the courage to try!). Guess what. I am not concerned like she is! If it is God's will for us to have another child, we will. If God wants that child to be completely healthy, it will. If God wants that child to have the exact same issues as Presley or more, I will do it all over again. Yep, I will. My strength is not in me alone.
*When did I turn into not-a-dog-person? I don't really like it but it is the way it is.
*There has been entirely too much hurt and tragedy lately. Feverish babies, accidents, death, overall hurt. I don't like it.
*Each and every time I say I am interested in a house that is on the market it gets a contract. It.never.fails. I guess God is in control of that as well, huh?!
*My sun burnt husband is (as he told me) too tan to get burnt while at the pool. Did you get all that?
*That husband will be 33 Tuesday!!
*That's all for now, um, folks! I didn't mean for it to turn into that...sorry Werner Bros.
*Do you know what a bobber is? I do. And I own one now. Got ya thinkin' don't I?
*Why do Presley's size diapers say it goes to 28 pounds but seem too small for my 21 pounder?
*Every time I eat steak, hear Blind Melon, pass the Long Hollow pike exit on 65S, and smell lavender I think of Zach, Daniel's late younger brother who died in a car wreck in 2002 (a month after Daniel and I started dating).
*I can never have too many friends. I have a ton and I just want more! I can see God forming some relationships that are going to be great and I am so excited!!
*I am having a very minor procedure in a couple of weeks that required a consultation with a new OB. When I told her my history and my daughter's current "issues" she was quite concerned about the success and health of another child (if Daniel and I ever get the courage to try!). Guess what. I am not concerned like she is! If it is God's will for us to have another child, we will. If God wants that child to be completely healthy, it will. If God wants that child to have the exact same issues as Presley or more, I will do it all over again. Yep, I will. My strength is not in me alone.
*When did I turn into not-a-dog-person? I don't really like it but it is the way it is.
*There has been entirely too much hurt and tragedy lately. Feverish babies, accidents, death, overall hurt. I don't like it.
*Each and every time I say I am interested in a house that is on the market it gets a contract. It.never.fails. I guess God is in control of that as well, huh?!
*My sun burnt husband is (as he told me) too tan to get burnt while at the pool. Did you get all that?
*That husband will be 33 Tuesday!!
*That's all for now, um, folks! I didn't mean for it to turn into that...sorry Werner Bros.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Extreme Home Makeover
Ouch! Every move I make hurts. My body is screaming at me to stop and rest but I must get this house in order. I am not sure what will come from it but we are updating this house. Sure, it's in the hopes that we can put it on the market and buy a new one. We shall see!
So far we have pulled up the old flooring in both bathrooms and the laundry. It was the original flooring from 1987. We put down new floors in all three rooms. We took down the shelving in the laundry room and hung new cabinets. We have painted the laundry room, our closet door, and our bathroom door. We have a lot of painting left to do. All the trim in our room, bathroom and the kids bathroom. All the trim is painted an ivory color right now and it is just not nice looking at all!! The shutters have been painted and the vinyl pressure washed, too.
We still have so much to do. But all the big projects are pretty much done. Now it is all a lot of little things that will likely drive me crazy!! But let's just hope it all works out and we can get the heck out of this house...before we all kill each other :)!!!!
So far we have pulled up the old flooring in both bathrooms and the laundry. It was the original flooring from 1987. We put down new floors in all three rooms. We took down the shelving in the laundry room and hung new cabinets. We have painted the laundry room, our closet door, and our bathroom door. We have a lot of painting left to do. All the trim in our room, bathroom and the kids bathroom. All the trim is painted an ivory color right now and it is just not nice looking at all!! The shutters have been painted and the vinyl pressure washed, too.
We still have so much to do. But all the big projects are pretty much done. Now it is all a lot of little things that will likely drive me crazy!! But let's just hope it all works out and we can get the heck out of this house...before we all kill each other :)!!!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Greatest Man You Never Knew

Some men have jobs. Some have passions.
Some men get married. Some fall in love and live happily ever after.
Some men conceive children. Some raise loving, responsible people.
Some men have good intentions. Some meet and exceed goals.
Some men make you smile and cry for having known them.
Some men leave their mark on the world.
Some men live lives and leave legacies.
Some men are loved by many.
Some men take this world head on and win.
My uncle was that and did that and then some.
He truly lived a good life. I am thankful his seed was sown in me and my loved ones. I am thankful that he will live on in our memories. I am thankful that his brother is my dad!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
"Poop" "Nope"
Funny girl of mine!! It is no secret to anyone that Presley is a few months behind developmentally. She has a speech therapist that comes each week to work with her and has progressed by leaps and bounds. Anyway, lately she has been so interactive with her speech. She is starting to have conversations with us. It is so much fun!! This is what she did the other day...
I was sitting outside while Daniel worked on his bike. She was walking around the driveway helping him "fich it". I was sitting on the post that we have surrounding our driveway. She crawled over the post and went behind me in the grass. She came up behind me and hugged me. Such a sweet girl!! Then she said, "Mommy, poop?" I said, "Did Mommy poop? No, Mommy didn't poop." Then she proceeded to pull the top of my pants out and look down them to make sure I was clean!!! She looked and said, "Poop? Nope!!" Then patted me on the back and went on her merry way! Only to come back a few minutes later and replay the whole event again!
Being a mom is so rewarding isn't it?!!!
I was sitting outside while Daniel worked on his bike. She was walking around the driveway helping him "fich it". I was sitting on the post that we have surrounding our driveway. She crawled over the post and went behind me in the grass. She came up behind me and hugged me. Such a sweet girl!! Then she said, "Mommy, poop?" I said, "Did Mommy poop? No, Mommy didn't poop." Then she proceeded to pull the top of my pants out and look down them to make sure I was clean!!! She looked and said, "Poop? Nope!!" Then patted me on the back and went on her merry way! Only to come back a few minutes later and replay the whole event again!
Being a mom is so rewarding isn't it?!!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
There in Spirit
Now Presenting,
in no particular order.....OUR TRIP TO THE BEACH!!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
A Serious Talk With God
He is here for the broken and life to the one who is undone. He is peace to the wounded and hope for the hopeless one.
If you know the song I am reciting you know what comes along in the next few lines. Oh, for my soul to be still. Be still and know that He is God.
You would think after a nice beach vacation my soul and strength would be renewed and re-energized. But oh contrary. I am finding it hard to rest in the role I am presented with. I feel uneasy and displeased with a lot of things that are not normally that way. I am feeling angst with my position at work. Lull may be the better term. I am feeling resentment and bitterness with my role as a parent in this household. All things that are just too deep and disturbing to go into details.
I had a long, serious talk with God this morning. A good friend once told me to tell God how I am feeling even when it is bad. He already knows so why try and keep it from Him. I usually start my "talks" with God out with thanksgiving. Just a matter of routine, I guess. But this morning my words were something like this...I am reluctantly digging down very deep to find some kind of thankfulness. So, I started with the obvious. Thank you for giving your life for me. Thank you for saving my soul and forgiving me of my short-comings (like not having a lot to be thankful for!). Thank you for my mom and dad and my husband and kids. But that is about all I could get out without just wanting to let loose of a lot of anger.
It is not real clear to me what I am so out of sorts about. I remember feeling this way when God was beginning to speak to me about changing church homes. But I can't imagine what He is wanting to do in me now. I suppose I should be happy that He is just not done with me!
This post has gone nothing like what I started it out to be. I was going to tell you all about Presley's doctors appointment tomorrow. But I guess that will have to wait until another day. Just be in prayer for us, please!
If you know the song I am reciting you know what comes along in the next few lines. Oh, for my soul to be still. Be still and know that He is God.
You would think after a nice beach vacation my soul and strength would be renewed and re-energized. But oh contrary. I am finding it hard to rest in the role I am presented with. I feel uneasy and displeased with a lot of things that are not normally that way. I am feeling angst with my position at work. Lull may be the better term. I am feeling resentment and bitterness with my role as a parent in this household. All things that are just too deep and disturbing to go into details.
I had a long, serious talk with God this morning. A good friend once told me to tell God how I am feeling even when it is bad. He already knows so why try and keep it from Him. I usually start my "talks" with God out with thanksgiving. Just a matter of routine, I guess. But this morning my words were something like this...I am reluctantly digging down very deep to find some kind of thankfulness. So, I started with the obvious. Thank you for giving your life for me. Thank you for saving my soul and forgiving me of my short-comings (like not having a lot to be thankful for!). Thank you for my mom and dad and my husband and kids. But that is about all I could get out without just wanting to let loose of a lot of anger.
It is not real clear to me what I am so out of sorts about. I remember feeling this way when God was beginning to speak to me about changing church homes. But I can't imagine what He is wanting to do in me now. I suppose I should be happy that He is just not done with me!
This post has gone nothing like what I started it out to be. I was going to tell you all about Presley's doctors appointment tomorrow. But I guess that will have to wait until another day. Just be in prayer for us, please!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I will be back. I will post lots of beach pictures! But for now I have to share this link. I found it and have fallen in love. As well as walked down memory lane as I have learned more about this sweet baby. We in this family's place two years ago and I want to give them as much support as I can. I know they need it and appreciate it. Plus, I am super psyched that she is giving CHD's this much acknowledgment!! So, go here people!!!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The Good, The Bad, and The Broken
The good: I have been down on the scale the last few days. I also wore a bathing suit last week and I didn't look too much like a beached whale.
The bad: I have had ice cream treats for the last three days in a row. I have also gone well over my calorie limit the last three days in a row.
The broken: My back! Well, it's not broken really. But it is injured. And the nurse I saw could not give me a definitive answer as to what it is. Instead she gave me two prescriptions and told me if it wasn't better in two days to come back. I can't move my right leg without pain shooting into my back. I have a really hard time standing up and sitting down. All of this means that here it is the week before we leave for the beach and I am unable to exercise. But my darling husband informed me that I also can't get up and walk to the fridge as much!! Thanks, honey!
So, sorry to all the people who will be in Destin June 11-16 but I did the best I could to not scare you in my bathing suit!!
The bad: I have had ice cream treats for the last three days in a row. I have also gone well over my calorie limit the last three days in a row.
The broken: My back! Well, it's not broken really. But it is injured. And the nurse I saw could not give me a definitive answer as to what it is. Instead she gave me two prescriptions and told me if it wasn't better in two days to come back. I can't move my right leg without pain shooting into my back. I have a really hard time standing up and sitting down. All of this means that here it is the week before we leave for the beach and I am unable to exercise. But my darling husband informed me that I also can't get up and walk to the fridge as much!! Thanks, honey!
So, sorry to all the people who will be in Destin June 11-16 but I did the best I could to not scare you in my bathing suit!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Today is Over
My facebook status reads, "Beth Wise O'Neil is in a donut hole coma...but so worth is!!"
And if eating about Dunkin' Donut's chocolate glazed cake donut holes will do anything it will:
1). put you in a sugar induced coma
2). ruin your diet for the day
Those two things I know from experience!
So, why not stop and get Big D's ice cream after Triston's (stellar) ballgame tonight?!
There is always tomorrow and tomorrow has to be better or my bathing suit will look more like a bed sheet!!! 16 days and counting....and we will be beach bound (skinny or not)!!!
And if eating about Dunkin' Donut's chocolate glazed cake donut holes will do anything it will:
1). put you in a sugar induced coma
2). ruin your diet for the day
Those two things I know from experience!
So, why not stop and get Big D's ice cream after Triston's (stellar) ballgame tonight?!
There is always tomorrow and tomorrow has to be better or my bathing suit will look more like a bed sheet!!! 16 days and counting....and we will be beach bound (skinny or not)!!!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Honorable Mention
I just have a few minutes and a few things I need to jot down here!
First, I was telling Daniel last night that I am the kind of exerciser and dieter that wants instant results. Well, my wish well granted (I suppose). Around 11:00 last night I awoke with a weak stomach. Within thirty minutes I was spewing my guts for the first of six times. I was hugging the toilet until 4:30 a.m. I guess that will give you instant results!! I think I finally got the stomach virus that Daniel and Presley had a month or so ago.
Second, I would give a lot of money to see the look on my face Sunday morning when our names were announced at church and the fire alarm sounded at the same time. Let me explain. It was new member Sunday and they announced each family that was joining and having everyone come to the front for all to see. Let me just say that Daniel and I both were dreading this as we don't like to be in front of people. So, as he was calling all the names Daniel asked if we were going to be last. And, of course, we were! But as he called our names the fire alarm went off and we all kind of froze! I wasn't sure what to do. The alarm proceeded with an announcement about how the alarm meant there was a fire in the building and so forth. The pastor let it finish it's message and everyone was very amused. He finished announcing us and our kids and started to say a prayer when it happened again!! Long story short some child (not mine!) got a hold of the fire alarm and pulled it. The funny story will be one we won't forget and we will forever be the members that set off the fire alarm when we joined!!!
First, I was telling Daniel last night that I am the kind of exerciser and dieter that wants instant results. Well, my wish well granted (I suppose). Around 11:00 last night I awoke with a weak stomach. Within thirty minutes I was spewing my guts for the first of six times. I was hugging the toilet until 4:30 a.m. I guess that will give you instant results!! I think I finally got the stomach virus that Daniel and Presley had a month or so ago.
Second, I would give a lot of money to see the look on my face Sunday morning when our names were announced at church and the fire alarm sounded at the same time. Let me explain. It was new member Sunday and they announced each family that was joining and having everyone come to the front for all to see. Let me just say that Daniel and I both were dreading this as we don't like to be in front of people. So, as he was calling all the names Daniel asked if we were going to be last. And, of course, we were! But as he called our names the fire alarm went off and we all kind of froze! I wasn't sure what to do. The alarm proceeded with an announcement about how the alarm meant there was a fire in the building and so forth. The pastor let it finish it's message and everyone was very amused. He finished announcing us and our kids and started to say a prayer when it happened again!! Long story short some child (not mine!) got a hold of the fire alarm and pulled it. The funny story will be one we won't forget and we will forever be the members that set off the fire alarm when we joined!!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Bub-o = Bubba
Gaugert = yogurt
Puple = purple
Biby = baby
Dachi = paci
Cor Cog = corn dog
Emo on = Elmo on
Peesh = please
Cank oooh = thank you
Geen = green
Boo = blue
Cooby = Scooby
Cruck = truck
Gaugert = yogurt
Puple = purple
Biby = baby
Dachi = paci
Cor Cog = corn dog
Emo on = Elmo on
Peesh = please
Cank oooh = thank you
Geen = green
Boo = blue
Cooby = Scooby
Cruck = truck
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
This song is on my Ipod workout play list!!! What's on yours? Got any other suggestions for good pump up music? Something has to keep me on track...might as well be this guy...
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The Overall Goal
I was (still am actually) proud that I was able to fit in three workouts last week. So, here it is a new week and my butt has been so lazy today. I have had all day to get to the gym and didn't. I am still trying to talk myself out the door but to no avail! I realize there is still hope for the rest of the week. I can likely find the giddy-up to do some ab-work at the house tonight. Considering I had a two hour nap during my daughter's three hour nap I should have all the energy in the world...but I don't. I will do crunches! I will do cherry pickers! I will. I will. I will!!!
The good news is that I have not eaten terribly today. Well, except those two doughnuts for breakfast. Daniel bought those by the way! But for lunch it was a grilled cheese and ramen noodles. And I had some sun chips for a snack. One of my biggest adversaries is the cokes I drink. I have too many in a day. Truly. I am going to try to stop or at least switch to diet.
Anyway, the true end result that I want from all of this effort is that my clothes fit better (without having to buy a size up). I sit at a desk the majority of the day and my clothes get really tight with my gut bearing down on them all day...or vice versa. The "muffin top" has to go!! And that is all I have to say about that!!!
The good news is that I have not eaten terribly today. Well, except those two doughnuts for breakfast. Daniel bought those by the way! But for lunch it was a grilled cheese and ramen noodles. And I had some sun chips for a snack. One of my biggest adversaries is the cokes I drink. I have too many in a day. Truly. I am going to try to stop or at least switch to diet.
Anyway, the true end result that I want from all of this effort is that my clothes fit better (without having to buy a size up). I sit at a desk the majority of the day and my clothes get really tight with my gut bearing down on them all day...or vice versa. The "muffin top" has to go!! And that is all I have to say about that!!!
Friday, May 13, 2011
I Just Realized
I have to wear a bathing suit in 30 days (if not before)! Granted, I have worked out a total of 3 times in the last week. But I would certainly need to work out after the way I have eaten lately. I am the biggest right now than I have ever been. Am I BIG? Not really. But bigger than I am used to. And it is not even a bigger number on the scale. It is just everything is a little lumpier and jigglier!! Those things are not attractive to me much less anyone else. So, this is me sharing with you, blog world, that I am determined to look half way decent in a bathing suit when we vacation in June. I plan on using my blog to record my food and my workouts. Maybe doing this will help hold me accountable on what I choose to eat. Encouragement is welcome!! As is a workout partner :) Let the games begin!!!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
A Mother's Tribute...of sorts!
I am currently fighting two evils. I am tired from a busy weekend (and my head is pounding) but I have these thoughts going crazy in my mind about moms and Mother's day. So, I am going to try and get some of these down on "paper" and maybe I will sleep better.
You see, I have always struggled with this day in the past. Because I am in a unique situation. I am mother to a child that I don't get privileges to on Mother's day. I mother him every day of the week. I pack his lunch, I help with his homework, I drive him to and fro, I feed him dinner, and tuck him into bed. I counsel his choices and hug and kiss on him. But he is not mine. My husband tries really hard to set an example for him to show his appreciation for me as well as his biological mom. It is hard for him though. He has to make two crafts at school. He has to spend the day with his mom then come home to me and try to make me feel special too. I have a lot of appreciation for step parents. I know how it is. However, I am not your normal step parent. I do not have my step son only on the weekends. I am flat out raising him as my own. Don't get me wrong, I would not have it any other way. But where my hard feelings come in is when my toes get stepped on and my being a mom get put on a back burner for someone to get celebrated who does half what I do. Does that make sense? I make everyday about my kids. Not just the weekends. I make sure my children have boundaries and obey me. I show them love each and every day not just when I feel like. But let me get off my soap box and continue.
I realize that God created us each different even in the mothering that we do. But I like to think of myself as a down to earth kind of mom. A roll with the punches type. I have recently been in contact with some moms who are just over the top. Almost diva-ish if that makes sense. To me having a child is not about dressing them in the finest digs. It is not about their hair being perfect all the time. It is not about them only eating their fruits and veggies. Let them be kids!! Let them get sticky from a sucker. Or dirty from the ballpark. Let them sleep in the car and jump on the bed...with supervision of course!
I guess it all comes down to the fact that being a mother is not about you! It is not about you getting the praise for what you do or how your kids look. They will never do what you want them to do to a T anyway. They will not sleep through the night and they will not be healthy all the time. This is earth we live on and it is not perfect. You can buy them the most expensive clothes and props but I promise you they will spit up on them!!! And I will laugh :) I just came to the realization that these are little people we are dealing with. They are not dolls or a show and tell item. They are precious and a blessing from God. It just bothers me when people don't take that to heart.
Happy Mother's day...to all who get that!!!
You see, I have always struggled with this day in the past. Because I am in a unique situation. I am mother to a child that I don't get privileges to on Mother's day. I mother him every day of the week. I pack his lunch, I help with his homework, I drive him to and fro, I feed him dinner, and tuck him into bed. I counsel his choices and hug and kiss on him. But he is not mine. My husband tries really hard to set an example for him to show his appreciation for me as well as his biological mom. It is hard for him though. He has to make two crafts at school. He has to spend the day with his mom then come home to me and try to make me feel special too. I have a lot of appreciation for step parents. I know how it is. However, I am not your normal step parent. I do not have my step son only on the weekends. I am flat out raising him as my own. Don't get me wrong, I would not have it any other way. But where my hard feelings come in is when my toes get stepped on and my being a mom get put on a back burner for someone to get celebrated who does half what I do. Does that make sense? I make everyday about my kids. Not just the weekends. I make sure my children have boundaries and obey me. I show them love each and every day not just when I feel like. But let me get off my soap box and continue.
I realize that God created us each different even in the mothering that we do. But I like to think of myself as a down to earth kind of mom. A roll with the punches type. I have recently been in contact with some moms who are just over the top. Almost diva-ish if that makes sense. To me having a child is not about dressing them in the finest digs. It is not about their hair being perfect all the time. It is not about them only eating their fruits and veggies. Let them be kids!! Let them get sticky from a sucker. Or dirty from the ballpark. Let them sleep in the car and jump on the bed...with supervision of course!
I guess it all comes down to the fact that being a mother is not about you! It is not about you getting the praise for what you do or how your kids look. They will never do what you want them to do to a T anyway. They will not sleep through the night and they will not be healthy all the time. This is earth we live on and it is not perfect. You can buy them the most expensive clothes and props but I promise you they will spit up on them!!! And I will laugh :) I just came to the realization that these are little people we are dealing with. They are not dolls or a show and tell item. They are precious and a blessing from God. It just bothers me when people don't take that to heart.
Happy Mother's day...to all who get that!!!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
We Heart Red, Furry Monsters
I feel like I haven't given a Presley update in a while. I think I mentioned that she is talking now. And, boy, is she! She talks a lot. Not as much as she laughs though. I have a very funny and cheerful little girl. Not only is she talking but she has gotten really good at fit throwing too!! She is getting used to not being the baby anymore. It has not been an easy transition. On Easter she had several screaming fits when she wanted to be held but Baby Ava was occupying our arms. It was quite interesting for all of the family to see Presley in all her tantrum glory!!
Some other things going on with her are that she loves to sing and dance. If there is music on she breaks it down. If we aren't singing then we are reading. I really am loving this age. Minus the waking up entirely too early on Saturday mornings!
But I am really loving that she has found a "favorite". She loves nothing more than watching Elmo. I don't know why because we never have watched it before. Must be a day care thing. But we started showing her clips on youtube and now every time we have the laptop out she wants "emo, onnn". So, we upgraded to a Best Of DVD and she would watch it all day, I belief. And, finally, we found her a non-talking Elmo stuffed animal. She has not let it down since we bought it. She holds onto him like it's her life-line. It just makes me realize more and more how quickly she is growing up. Not that she is getting bigger (still only 20 pounds), just better!!!
Maybe Elmo will convince her to get rid of that paci!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
My Best Friend's Wedding
Once upon a time, on a playground, one little 2nd grade girl said to another little second grade girl, "Will you be my friend?". The other little girl's answer would ring true for years and years to follow.
Those two girls were myself and my best friend, Kasey. We have been friends since that day. It is now 20 years later and my girl is getting married. I am so proud of her. She got her undergrad at MTSU and then went onto get her nursing degree. She met her fiance, Justin, and has been smitten ever since. I am so excited for her in this season of her life. I know God will bless them tremendously in the years to come. I hope that I can remain by her side during each of them.
Kasey, you know everything there is to know about me. You have seen me at my best and walked me through my worst. You have been my closest friend for the longest time and I will never find a better one.
I pray that you and Justin find this time to be exciting and joyful. I pray you trust in the Lord to meet your needs in every step of the way. Look to Him as your provider and He will never let you down.
I am very proud to be by your side on June 18th. I know you will look magnifiscent! I know I will cry but it will be tears of joy. I am overwhelmingly happy for you. Quite possibly, more so than on my own wedding day!!
I love you like a sister and I thank you for your friendship.
Those two girls were myself and my best friend, Kasey. We have been friends since that day. It is now 20 years later and my girl is getting married. I am so proud of her. She got her undergrad at MTSU and then went onto get her nursing degree. She met her fiance, Justin, and has been smitten ever since. I am so excited for her in this season of her life. I know God will bless them tremendously in the years to come. I hope that I can remain by her side during each of them.
Kasey, you know everything there is to know about me. You have seen me at my best and walked me through my worst. You have been my closest friend for the longest time and I will never find a better one.
I pray that you and Justin find this time to be exciting and joyful. I pray you trust in the Lord to meet your needs in every step of the way. Look to Him as your provider and He will never let you down.
I am very proud to be by your side on June 18th. I know you will look magnifiscent! I know I will cry but it will be tears of joy. I am overwhelmingly happy for you. Quite possibly, more so than on my own wedding day!!
I love you like a sister and I thank you for your friendship.
Monday, May 2, 2011
G:Grand Finale
My last day of blogging a letter for each day is going finish up the alphabet.
We will call it the Grand finale!!
C is for chocolate caramel coffee creamer (alliteration much). Good stuff!!!
E is for Erin! Because my (pseudo) baby girl Erin's birthday party was Saturday. She is just so stinkin' cute!!
U for unbelievable! It is unbelievable that Triston had the best game of the season Saturday night when I could not be there to see it. Major bummer!
Incomplete. I was lost this past weekend. My hubby was gone from Thursday to Sunday for a fun weekend with the boys. He had fun but we sure missed him at home!
M for mommy. With the previous statement in mind, if I was called mommy one more time by the time my husband got home I was going to scream. I told him I was ready for my title to change for a little while. I was ready to be customer service rep rather than mommy...for just a few hours.
Wow...did I really miss this many letters?!
Well, Y is for You are just going to have to be without an O and a Z!!!!!
We will call it the Grand finale!!
C is for chocolate caramel coffee creamer (alliteration much). Good stuff!!!
E is for Erin! Because my (pseudo) baby girl Erin's birthday party was Saturday. She is just so stinkin' cute!!
U for unbelievable! It is unbelievable that Triston had the best game of the season Saturday night when I could not be there to see it. Major bummer!
Incomplete. I was lost this past weekend. My hubby was gone from Thursday to Sunday for a fun weekend with the boys. He had fun but we sure missed him at home!
M for mommy. With the previous statement in mind, if I was called mommy one more time by the time my husband got home I was going to scream. I told him I was ready for my title to change for a little while. I was ready to be customer service rep rather than mommy...for just a few hours.
Wow...did I really miss this many letters?!
Well, Y is for You are just going to have to be without an O and a Z!!!!!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
N: Nice for a Change
I like a respectful kid. I love a respectful boy. I have a weakness for young boys who are cordial and thoughtful of others, especially girls.
I was at the ballpark tonight, I know you are shocked!! I was standing by the fence watching a game and a team came up to gather before their game started. They started to watch this same game. One young boy stepped up to watch and quickly looked at me and said, "Can you see ok?" I told him I could. Then as other boys crowded around he would tell each one of them to step back so that I could see around them. Isn't that sweet? I have a feeling this little guys will make some lucky lady very happy one day.
I was at the ballpark tonight, I know you are shocked!! I was standing by the fence watching a game and a team came up to gather before their game started. They started to watch this same game. One young boy stepped up to watch and quickly looked at me and said, "Can you see ok?" I told him I could. Then as other boys crowded around he would tell each one of them to step back so that I could see around them. Isn't that sweet? I have a feeling this little guys will make some lucky lady very happy one day.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Unbelievable, unbelievably busy is what I have been. Holidays like Easter will do that. Well, that and baseball games and grocery store runs and sick peeps and what not. Don't get me wrong I love the busyness of life. But this girl is in major need of some rest time. My emotions and mental status are at stake here, people!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Today I feel
Unloved, unpopular, and unread. My thoughts about these feelings, well, hopefully it's just a phase. And maybe I should stop blogging altogether. We shall see which it ends up.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
A Day Worth Two Letters
Today has sucked so bad that it is worthy of two letters.
One is X for Xanax!!!!! Because my car broke down on my lunch break and a xanax never sounded so good to me after that.
The other letter is V. V for Valium. Because as I was slowly steering my broke down car to a parking lot the principal from my child's school called. My son got suspended from school for fighting and at that point a valium never sounded so good to me!!!!!
You will be happy to know that I have NOT consumed either of them...yet!
One is X for Xanax!!!!! Because my car broke down on my lunch break and a xanax never sounded so good to me after that.
The other letter is V. V for Valium. Because as I was slowly steering my broke down car to a parking lot the principal from my child's school called. My son got suspended from school for fighting and at that point a valium never sounded so good to me!!!!!
You will be happy to know that I have NOT consumed either of them...yet!
Monday, April 18, 2011
G for Game
Tris had a game tonight and boy did he show up to play!! He is playing third base this year for the first time ever and doing quite well. Tonight he was 3 for 4 at the plate with several RBIs. He stole home one time, too. I love to see him play that well. But I love more than that to hear him encourage his teammates and even the opposing team. When we were getting in the car a player from other team was getting in the car beside us. He said, "good game, man"! And it made me smile!! I love a good attitude and good sportsmanship!!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
W. Did you get that from the title?! Today my W is for work. Work! Because I want to go back to it right about now! I realize exactly how blessed I am to have the kids I have. But I also realize that God did not create me to stay with them 24-7!! My nerves just can't take it. Especially with P right now. She is sooooo whiny...around me anyway. Daniel says she is not that way when I am gone. She usually loves the bath but tonight she cried the whole time and tried to climb out of the tub. Did I mention my nerves can't take it?! All I am saying is I am just a tad bit ready for Monday to get here! You might never hear me say that again but for now, it stands!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Today is brought to you by the letter Q. I have questions.... Like, why is my paragraph spacing not working on my blog? Why is my daughter such a pill when I am around her but not when I am gone? Why was I in a hospital waiting room this morning and asked (quite abrasively) to take my leg out of the the chair across from me because they were new chairs? I should've told her they were new shoes I was wearing, too. I was just in awe that here I was paying them money and I can't get semi-comfy in a chair because it is new and apparently my leg being on the new furniture would somehow tarnish it's newness. Am I the only one thinking this way?!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
This Wednesday is brought to you by the letter K. K is for kids! As in the loud ones! As in the rambunctious ones! The ones that don't sit still or listen to directions! This would include my kids! One of them anyway. A friend of mine has roped me into helping in the Backyard at church. That is the kids from K-5th grade. Our plan is to take the 3rd and 4th grade girls and break off into a class of our own. But tonight it was the whole class, boys and girls. Wow! I wish I had the energy of a 4th grader! I will add that my husband has been doing this same thing for the last few weeks. He has felt God calling him to work with the kids for a while. He was placed in the class with 5th graders and it is a perfect fit for him. They have taken to him so well and he loves it. I am thankful that God is using our talents to further his kiddie kingdom!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I Can't Keep Up
My sister in law asked me if I was going out of order in the alphabet and I said yes. But now I can't keep up with what letters I have used and I haven't used!! Oh well! Today is brought to you by the letter T. T for talking! T for talking too much!! The talking part is for Presley. I think she is officially talking. It only took almost 26 months. She has a speech therapist come to her daycare and work with her weekly. It is really paying off. She has a lengthy vocabulary now and is starting to put words together. It is so excited to see her develop like this! The talking too much one, well, that is my boy. He has been having a hard time in school keeping quiet when asked. I am hoping after today's doctor's appointment that will get better. As we were waiting for the doctor to come in the room I just gave it all to God. That is something we have done already but I gave the appointment to Him. Sort of like praying over your house or your kids as they sleep. I prayed over the doctor's visit! I feel like God has His hand in this and will bring it all together. I hope so, anyway, because it has been one rough ride.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Saturday and Sunday
H!! I am combining these two days for one reason...they are running together!! We were at the ballpark all.day.long yesterday. We had concession stand duty from 9-1, Triston had pictures at 1:45 and a game at 3:00. We finally left the park at 5:00. We were starving, sun burnt, and hurting all over. We stood the whole time we were there and didn't realize until we left! Wow! My feet could sure use a rub down. Today we started a new class at church and it started at 8:00. Then we went to our normal service at 10:00. After church we got our grocery shopping done and came home and crashed. Now, we are not physically hurting but hurting from such a busy week, yes! We have just been non stop all week and we spend today just recovering. Thank God for a day of rest!!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Friday's letter
Well, Friday, not today's, letter was L! There are two reasons for this.
One is that I left my laptop at my work...eeeek! I was so bummed. I didn't realize it until I got home. I don't usually take it with me but I thought I might use it at lunch time (I didn't). When I got out to my car after leaving work I realized I left my lunch bag at my desk. So, I went back in and got it but still left my laptop there! I was lucky to have a co-worker meet me after he went in over the weekend. Now, I can relax, and browser the inter web!!!
The other reason is because Daniel and I went to a concert last night. It was a concert featuring a christian rapper named Lecrae. Daniel and I have always been fans of hip hop music. But we are not much on the vulgarity of it. We have found this artist and some of his other recording friends and we love them all. They are so entertaining and they do it all for Christ. So, we headed to a music venue downtown for the concert and we left feeling like we had been to a praise and worship experience. It was an incredible atmosphere. We were blessed by the testimonies of these artists.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Today's letter is R. Because I got a call from Vanderbilt Genetics with the results of P's testing. If you remember, she was tested for Noonan's syndrome which came back negative! Praise the Lord! One of the other tests they ran was called a chromosome micro array. They basically evaluate each chromosome and make sure there are no abnormalities. Well, the results of that were not as encouraging but not necessarily discouraging either. They found extra material on the long arm of the 17th chromosome. They did not give me any indications as to what that meant, gotta love that! They said they wanted to test both D and I to see if that is the case for one of us as well. That will tell us if she inherited this or if it is a new defect. If you research this abnormality you find that there are a lot of conditions that this could cause, or it could cause nothing. Some of the symptoms are short stature, developmental delay, and cardiac defects. All things P has or had. I am not and have not been concerned about any of these tests or findings. I know that my girl is wonderfully and fearfully made. I am curious to know what our results look like and what (if anything) would be done after seeing our results. I am just not in any hurry to get this blood work done! We are so busy right now that if we try to cram another thing in we will most likely lose our minds, or what is left of them.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
My first thought for today's letter was F for frustrated. But I have already used that one. My second choice was P for parenting and I have used that one too. So, I am going with D for discipline. It is one of the things about parenting that has to be done and is most of the time no fun today. But when you have disciplined children it is not such a huge deal as when you don't have disciplined children. This is a challenge I am struggling with today. I am having a bad day at parenting today and I have "had it up to here". Why do I get notes from both of my kids teachers in the same day? I know we are not the best parents and I know we make mistakes. But I don't feel we are the worst ones by far. I will not sink down to comparing myself to other parents. I realize God makes us all different and blesses us with different strengths even in parenting. I know that he is my strong hold right now with this. I have leaned on Him all night long. Do I feel better? Not yet, but I will! So, if you are the praying kind you can pray I get one child to stop biting (even if it is in retaliation) and one child to control disruptions in school (even if it is before medicine kicks in). God will provide answers for us so for now I am just holding on. However, today, I am holding on by a thread!!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Better Late Than Never
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Today is brought to you by the letter A. A for Ava! A for Aunt. I love being an aunt. I got to hold baby Ava tonight while her mommy and daddy (attempted!) to play volleyball!! I guess I can't talk I am not playing!! Anyway, while she did get snatched from me a few times and she was asleep most of the rest of the time. It was still nice to have so aunt/Ava quality time! Now, let me use this blog for what it's purpose (if there is one) is for just a moment. I have to say that my life is living proof that as soon as you make a very strong commitment to doing the Lord's work Satan will attack at every crevice to get you away from that. Without going to deep into what should be personal I am a bit overwhelmed right now. I am feeling the tug of the enemy on my life, mostly not even on me personally. I want so badly to defeat this. I want to stomp on Satan's head and squish like I do the ant village that evades my house everyday. It is funny to me that we make choices for our life then further down the road we think that was a stupid choice. We want something different than what we have picked. You know, that whole the grass is always greener theory. To this theory I would like to say screw you! Oh, sorry, that was vulger! Don't make a choice for your life then turned down a curvy road and decide this is not for you. Be who you are and what you want to be and don't let anything keep you from that. I love that I have an identity. I know my identity is in Christ and no one can take me from that. Satan may try to disrupt anything that God has for me and my family but for me that means that I must have good things to do for Him and His kingdom. If not, why would Satan waste his time with me? I think I just ranted and I am not sure any of it made sense but I think I feel better!!!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
is brought to you by the letter, F. Friends Fellowship Fun Food I love all of these things and to have them all in one day is a-mazing! We met some friends for dinner tonight and had such a great night of conversation. I think we are building lasting relationships and that makes me happy. I hope your Saturday was as good and relaxing as mine!
Friday, April 1, 2011
I Got It!
So, this is what I am thinking. For each day in April I will find a letter to represent that day. Think Sesame Street! It is a win, win because there are not 30 letters in the alphabet so if I happen to miss a day it's ok!! So, let's get started...
Today is brought to you by the letter B. B is for baseball and Bubba. As in Bubba playing baseball. As in opening night of baseball and ball park food. As in blistering cold! I love baseball season!!
I told you it was cold!!
This is a shot of all the teams and the chorus that was singing the National Anthem. I thought it was a really cool thing for our kids to be involved in!
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