Tuesday, September 8, 2009

As of Today

As of today...
Presley is...

  • 11 pounds and 2 ounces

  • 6 months and 2 weeks old

  • 59 centimeters long

  • full of dark hair

  • eating 2 and 1/2 ounces of formula each bottle

  • eating lots of bananas and sweet potatoes

  • sleeping 4-6 hours at a time at night

  • loving her new favorite bear, Pookie

  • having open heart surgery at 8:00 am on 9-9-09
Today has been such a long day. Our pre op testing went about as expected. It took right at six hours. And, of course, we were running late this morning.

Presley had an echo done first and was absolutely wonderful for it. She got a little cranky towards the end when they were under her neck but she managed!
Then she had the EKG done. She was perfect for the nurse. It took all of 90 seconds for this to be done! And she finally got to see Dr. M again. It has been awhile but as soon as she saw him she lit up. He is just so wonderful. And he did an excellent job of coddling me!!

After that the nurse sent us to have blood work done. As I was afraid of it was hard to find Presley's vein and the lab tech ended *guessing*. But she did a good job at it. She got a vein and she began withdrawing blood. Which was a slow process. She ended up giving up before she even had enough. But I suppose that will have to do. At this point Presley was past ready for a nap and Daddy got the butt-end of the deal; as I made him hold her for the poke and I went to grab lunch.
By the time I got back to our appointed room Presley was out like a light. And she took a nice little 40 minute nap. Which would end up to be the only one of the day...yeah, fun, I know!

So, after we ate a quick bite we went over all the pre op instructions and took a tour of the hospital. Then we met with the surgeon again. I did feel better about this meeting. She was a little more pleasant!!

Then we went for the last of the tests, the chest xray. By this time, Presley was sick of it. But she held it together pretty well. She was still laughing and smiling at her daddy!!!

Right now...I wish it was tomorrow! No food or drink after midnight. That ought to be interesting! And we have to be at the hospital at 6:30 in the morning. Bring on this sleepless night and the stress of tomorrow. Just let me have it!!!


The Writer Chic said...

Whoo-hoo! Over 11 lbs. That's great. As I type this, Seth is waving at the laptop going, "hi, Besh!" =) He loves you. As do I. Calling you right now to chat and tell you that in person.

Angela said...

YAY!!! Six hours? Ours took eight! LOL

Oh, and Benjamin hated the echo under the neck, too, and fidgeted like crazy!!

I just pray you don't get delayed tomorrow morning or pushed to another day like we did.

It's so funny--it's been almost a year since we were in your exact shoes, and it feels like yesterday. I can see all the rooms where you are!

Didn't you love Tina?? She was the best.


Sara said...

I hope today is going well, Beth! I've been praying so hard for all of you...I'm not a crazy stalker, I swear! LOL

So glad preop testing went well! Those are long days, indeed!